This is probably the best cat video ever. Or one of, at least.
So, I may have just had my final CT of my University-career!!
This morning/afternoon I had my regular chest-CT scan, to see how my lungs are getting along, and although I haven't had the formal radiologist report, the preliminary results read by my consultant at UCLH are looking good! The scars from the ablation are looking normal, and he can't see any new growth. Considering I finish exams in June, we decided it best to wait until then to have my next scans as the growth has been so stable for such a long time.
I am delighted!
Of course, I need to keep an eye out for any unusual bodily changes or symptoms, but I am constantly uber aware of my body anyway, and fingers crossed all will be fine up until (and beyond) my next scan, at the end of June.
This means, I am realising as I sit here with my free Pret matcha latte (could this day get any better?!)
, that I am free - I basically made it. Keeping all fingers crossed and all limbs touching wood, of course, but in theory and all going well I should have no more cancer interferences at University. This is flipping amazing news!

I was diagnosed right at the start of University, and have constantly been followed by cancer, having surgeries in 1st and 2nd year, and an ablation shortly before beginning my 4th. Luckily my University have continually supported me and made sure I've got through the year as best I could, however it would be real bummer to have had my final year disturbed by Sarcoma.
Fortunately, the scanxiety was not bad at all this time around, as often I've found it hard to concentrate coming up to scans.
I'm very happy to have nothing but positive news to report, and that I can live my next few months at University like a normal student - drowning in deadlines, beer and student debt! YES!
I look forward to writing more blogs in the coming weeks and updating you on my VERY NORMAL life.
Thanking you muchly for reading, and have a great week,
M xx